Deacon David Krueger [Krueger rhymes with eager] experiences joy when individuals or organizations he coaches or assists people who make a lasting impact. He also has joy in disseminating new, impactful ideas and relating those to others.

Dcn David is able to see and draw out the value in others, help them plan for growth and see their world anew. His value is as a quick learner, able to persuade teach, train and organize. Dcn David works best in conditions where new ideas are accepted and nurtured, dedication is given to diversity and fairness, and spirituality is interwoven into the organization.

Dcn David was ordained in 2004 for the Archdiocese of Omaha. When the apostles went fishing, they didn’t use poles, but nets. In that vein, Dcn David feels the best way he can serve the Church is finding ways to “fish with a net.”

He was the youngest editor for his student newspaper at Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. After graduating with degrees in International Relations and Film & Video, he went to work for what had been the owner’s side hustle and as managing partner grew the company’s monthly sales from $2,000 to $200,000 in 64 months. He was part of a team that grew their division ten fold in four years. He also has experience with a Fortune 500 company. He has worked in entertainment, distribution, printing and manufacturing.

For ten years Dcn David was the Director of Stewardship and Communications at St Columbkille Parish which has over 3,200 families. While he was there engagement grew for 15% to 30% of members (as measured by Gallup, Inc.) as their fruits (inviting, serving, giving and life satisfaction) all thrived.

Dcn David and his wife VanNessa have been married for over 25 years and have three children. He helps lead an annual Father-Sons retreat, has been a retreat Spiritual Director for Christians Encounter Christ, is an officer in the Roman Forum Toastmasters Club (the only club aimed at helping clergy) and has led over 50 parish leadership retreats and parish missions in over 30 different dioceses so far.